Friday, 3 August 2007


Prominent among the critics of British Airways' carbon offset scheme is Tory MP for South Suffolk, and Chairman of the Commons Environmental Audit Committee, Timothy Yeo. The failure of BA to market the scheme adequately is, he claims, "little short of scandalous".

Constituents of Mr Yeo's will recall that his commitment to protecting the environment did not always run so deep. He was once banned from driving after accumulating too many speeding convictions in his expensive Japanese sports car, and was known for a while to some in his local area as 'Tim Yeeeeooowww!' (Best said with a swift sideways movement of the head, as if watching him speed past.)

In any case, voluntary carbon offsetting is a curiously limp way to go about saving the planet. Perhaps Mr Yeo's indignation at BA is designed to overshadow his party's complete failure to come up with any concrete policies to achieve carbon reduction?

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